Friday, April 12, 2019
D-TEC recently delivered
2 Combitrailers to Kusters
Transport bvba in Lanaken
(Belgium). Patrick Kusters (co-owner) on his purchase: ‘The recommendations from
colleagues, rapid delivery time and the possibility to have our Combitrailers
delivered with disc brake axles were the most important reasons for us to
choose D-TEC. Jurgen van Rattigen’s (sales representative at D-TEC) smooth
order handling means that we are now using the Combitrailers for daily transport
from the Port of Antwerp to Germany.’ Kusters chose the Combitrailer to avoid
empty mileage in the future. ‘The Combitrailer gives us the possibility to uncouple
the front or rear section and deliver the container elsewhere in the meantime.’

Kusters Transport BvBa Patrick and Ivo Kusters have been at the helm of
Kusters Transport since 1986. Besides container transport, it also offers
clients container storage. Kusters recently added 5000 m2 to the storage site,
where it can handle approximately 60 containers per day. ‘With the purchase of
these 2 Combitrailers we have a total of 20 container chassis and 5 trucks at
our disposal. We execute maintenance and repairs in our own workshop.’